When Is It Time To Replace My Heater?
Winter in Richmond means unpredictable weather, so it’s best to prepare for the worst of it. The worst thing that could happen during winter is having your heater give up unexpectedly. Here at Air Express, we recommend paying close attention to your furnace for signs that it’s time to replace it. With over 15 years serving heaters throughout Richmond, TX, we know exactly what to look for!:
1. Your Furnace Is Old
As a furnace ages, it will run less effectively until it eventually gives out altogether. To avoid the crisis of having your furnace break down unexpectedly, we recommend planning ahead. The average furnace lasts 15-20 years, although usage and constant repairs can shorten its lifespan. If your furnace is getting up there in years, you should start planning ahead for a furnace replacement. If you’re unsure of your furnace’s age, you can check the owner’s manual or look up the model number located on the furnace.
2. High Energy Bills
Rising energy bills aren’t always a dead-ringer for furnace replacement, but they can be if the issue isn’t easily fixable. In some cases, all your furnace needs is a tune-up or repairs to lower your energy bills. However, if clearing away the dust and debris doesn’t do the trick, there may be a more serious problem at hand.
3. Frequent Or Expensive Repairs
Occasional repairs are normal, but frequent repairs indicate that your furnace is reaching the end of its life. If you’ve called your furnace repair technician multiple times within one year, then it’s time to consider a furnace replacement. Another thing to keep in mind is the cost of repairs versus the price of a new furnace. If repairs are estimated to cost more than a new furnace, you should skip the repairs and replace the heater.
Richmond’s Furnace Experts
Do any of these symptoms sound familiar? If so, our trained furnace technicians from Air Express can evaluate your furnace to determine if it is indeed time to replace it. We offer dependable heating replacements, repairs, and installation services for homeowners throughout Richmond and beyond. Our technicians will help you choose the right furnace from our impressive lineup, and we’ll install it with care and precision. We also offer cooling and indoor air quality services.
Call us today to learn more!